> bay area weekend rides and events | CITY GIRL RIDES

bay area weekend rides and events


Friday May 13, meet up at 7:30 Frank Ogawa Plaza Oakland
Party Theme: Birthday Party
May 13 6pm-9pm
650 H Florida ST
WTF is open to all women, transfolks, genderqueer folk, femmes, and other people who've had gender bias, homophobia, or transphobia keep them away from the wrenches! Regular drop-in BK hours. Check out their blog (http://bikekitchenwtf.blogspot.com/)
Berkeley Bike-In Movie at Trumer Pils Brewery
Brought to you by the Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition and the East Bay Bicycle Coalition
May 13, 2011 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Feature Presentation: With My Own Two Wheels
$5 Admission, $5 Trumer Pils beer.  

Saturday, May 14 · 11:30am - 2:30pm
meet up at the Ferry Plaza SF
more details in link above

May 14, meet up at 8am at City Hall, San Jose
Bike The Limits get its name from last year’s routing, which rolled along the San Jose City Limits for 30, 60, or 100 miles! This year’s route will have a similar theme. The short route will cover about 33 miles, the middle distance will be a metric century (100km ~ 62 mi), and the full ride will be 100 miles long! The routes will be designed such that the shorter routes will follow the initial portions of the longer routes before breaking back to the start point.
more detail in the link above.
hope you all have a great weekend and great rides, see you out there!

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