Attention bike ladies, there is a wonderful comprehensive list of women's bike blogs that the lovely Barbara Chamberlain of Bike Style put together. I personally love this list as I love meeting ladies who ride and blog about their experiences. If you are a lady who rides and blogs, leave a comment at the bottom of the post with your blog site so she can add you to the list. The list is quite long but this is a good sign that more women are riding, having a voice, and having a place to connect with each other. We each individually have our own unique voices and experiences and it's always refreshing to hear what other women are doing in the bike world. Every now and then I enjoy stalking a few blogs and saying hi and perhaps adding a few to my own list. So go check it out, make some friends on the interwebs, and hear what each other has to say about the way they like to bike.
photo: joanna goddard
Mine is lionheartedme.blogspot.com
I love meeting new lady bikers
i really like bikes
you updated blog i think
that is cool
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Thanks SO much for drawing attention to the list! You're now consistently one of the top sources of traffic--you have a serious reach in the women's bike blogging world. Each one I hear about seems to lead me to even more so the list keeps growing.
Barb from Bike Style
I love riding my bike everywhere. I'm actually going to check the list of women's bike blogs. What a great idea. Cute post, and blog.
Yes barb is awesome :) She has included me too! cruiserdolly.blogspot.com
That's a great post, I LIKE THE WAY I BIKE. LOL., anyway, Im interested with the bikes you have, looks great and cute.
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