> Ladies Who Ride Part #4 | CITY GIRL RIDES

Ladies Who Ride Part #4


happy friday! today i bring you one of the first ladies i meet in the bicycle ladies blogosphere, Eva.Lu,  one thing we bonded a lot on in our first interactions over the interwebs is our  schwinn twins, and since, she has always been a great inspiration and friend to me. I have to say that this lady has been one of the leading voices and movers of the cycle chic movement with her cute vintage finds, shoes, bicycle d.i.y. tutorials, world travels, and inspiring cyclechicsundays. i swear this girl makes you want to get all your girl friends dolled up and ride onto adventures at home and around the world as she makes bicycling an effortlessly adorable, fun, and adventurous lifestyle. for those of us who know Eva and have been inspired by her are very lucky!

Hailing all the way from the O.C, I give you eva.lu
My name is Eva and I blog over at eva.lu & cyclechicsundays. When Tina first mentioned this splendid series I grew eager to read each week’s submissions. Now that it is my turn I am honored to share the company of some of the most fun and interesting female voices of the {bike}blogosphere. 
Now I must admit I’ve never really sat and thought about why I ride bikes. So I sat down and began to make a mind map ( yes, I’m a mind map kind of gal ) and before I knew it I was at the bottom of the page. Luckily I was able to whittle down to the nitty gritty of my ‘why I rides’ and since my visual skills trump the written ones I’ll explain with pictures …


all photos: courtesy of eva.lu

Anonymous said...

What a great way to put together a post Eva :D Love it! I may take inspiration for future posts too ;) L x

Diana said...

i had no idea there was a riding group (is that what they're called??) in Costa Mesa! I live in OC, the drivers are so rude to bicyclists, but I'm glad there's a group on Sundays.

christina said...

@diana, cycle chic sundays is what they're called, led by eva. she pretty much started this group in the oc and it started spreading, now in australia. such a great way to meet people who love their bikes.

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