March 27th, 2 pm
2 pm — Sally forth from Ohlone Park (near North Berkeley Bart)
Midpoint — Cesar Chavez Park (games, contests, and a special performance)
End (5-6 pmish) — Albatross Pub (libations & darts!)
Spring is the air and the rain has let up, so it’s time to dust off your smoking pipes and take your tweed out of mothballs! Put that dapper cap on your head, oil your chain, and get ready to pedal with panache!
Join us for the first SF Tweed Ride of 2010, this ride will take place in the lovely town of Berkeley, CA. The ride will be anywhere from 6-8 miles with a break midway through. We have plenty of enjoyment planned for you all including games, contests, and a special performance by the wondrous Corpus Callosum! As always, the tweed ride will end at an establishment that offers libations and cheer.
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