> bike fall | CITY GIRL RIDES

bike fall


i had my first major bike fall today. unfortunately, we have train rails that run along market st where a major bike lane runs and every sf biker has had the experience of getting their wheels stuck in one. today was the day on the cutoff turn from market to valencia where i was left with battle wounds on the knee and both wrist. thank goodness for the other bikers who were a major helping hand in getting me off the road during rush hour. i went to the doctor and no broken bones but i'm not allowed to ride till my left wrist heals completely. a really really sad day.
K-star said...

Oh my g. I was looking for the perfect picture to describe my first bike stack.. this is it. It is a perfect representation of how elegant we would like to look stacking it! Borrowing pls, will link your blog underneath! :)

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