With Spring full on TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES is bringing back the annual Bike to Work Challenge for Bike Month starting May 1! This year TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES will also be hosting a Bike To Work weekly hashtag challenge. The staff pick of the week will be featured on their social accounts and win a free year of Individual-level TransAlt membership, plus a TransAlt cycling cap! While most of you know that biking to work is the most noble way to get yourself to work, it's not always so easy to look your best when you arrive to the office so I've put together a couple of tips to help you get your Bike To Work Challenge without breaking a sweat on so you can win this!
To compete, tag TRANSPORATION ALTERNATIVES in your photo on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook with the week’s hashtag*. Winners will be announced Tuesday evenings starting May 15. The schedule for the challenge is as follows:
May 7 - 13: #ThisIsWhyIBike — Show us why you bike to work.
May 14 - 20: #WhatsInMyBag — What are your on-the-road essentials?
May 21 - 27: #BikeCommuterProblems — Encounter any roadblocks on your way to work?
May 28 - June 1: #BestBikeView — Share your favorite scenic sight from your commute
Without further ado, here are some tips for you to cycle to work without worrying about arriving sweaty and gross. Enjoy now that you have some tips to help you stop making excuses.

Pack Smart
This one's a no-brainer, but there's a smart way to pack the right stuff for work: Get a good pannier like Po Campo's Bergen Pannier or basket to hold your stuff so you don't break a sweat or hurt your shoulders while hauling your goods on your back. Speaking of backs, you also don't want to wear a backpack where you may soak your clothes. Some items to cary are cleaning wipes, deodorant, a brush and some makeup to freshen up before you change.
Keep a low-maintenance hairstyle
Helmet head and a sweaty hairline will bust your hair do, but if you keep your hair in a sleek ponytail or bun, and bring some dry shampoo to keep it from looking greasy, you don't have to look like you just rolled out of bed. Ask your stylist to give you a cut that's easy to pull back or wear straightened for when you bike. Brit & Co also has 19 ways to style your hair under a helmet. Also carry a comb or brush with you to revive your style when you reach your destination
Pedal slower:
Your commuting time is more predictable by bike. If you can, choose a route that is slower, less congested, and shaded with trees to help keep you cool and on time. Allow enough time to take it easy while you ride; going slower means sweating less, and you'll thank your slowpoke pace for a cleaner day at work. Make sure though that you give yourself some time before work to cool down and drink plenty of water!
Sign up for a gym close to work
If you're an early riser and like to work out before work (like I used to be!) Use the showers and locker rooms at the gym closest to your work, and you can look as if you never rode your bike at all. The bonus is that your bike ride counts as your morning workout, too.
Take the bus to work and bike home
If you need to look your absolute best at 7 a.m., then just bring your bike to work on the bus or subway and ride home. Most public transportation allows passengers to bring bikes on board (or put them on the front of the bus).
Biking to work doesn't have to be a full work out if you do it smart. Hopefully these tips will give you the tools to start commuting by bike and hopefully having you winning TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES Bike To Work Challenge!
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