> How To Style Cycling Kits | CITY GIRL RIDES

How To Style Cycling Kits


Cycle Style has been a huge trend in cycle commuting that has encouraged more women to bike how they like; in heels, skirts, on step through frames or fixed gears. This trend, which continues, has encouraged women to express their style while adopting a lifestyle on bike. However, when it comes to the track, group rides, or the peloton, the debate about cycling fashion is a different matter that comes down to comfort. Although women have a track history of abstaining from cycling wear because of their unappealing design and fit, the trend of women's specific kits is changing how women participate in cycling as a whole. As women's cycling teams and women's group rides grow, cycle style is taking on a whole new look for the fashionista who loves putting in serious miles without compromising comfort on the saddle.

It's only natural that we should be comfortable in our kit as we are in our skin in any activity we participate in. When I started long distance cycling I had no clue how important chamois padding would be in protecting my sit bones or how a lightweight jersey could really change my body temperature on warm days. When I started looking for stylish and comfortable kits, I wanted to be able to style them with a few accessories. When I came across a few of my favorites like Cafe du Cyclist, Machines For Freedom, Ten Speed Hero, and Forward Cycling, I found that many had exactly what I needed to start with: cute socks and caps. Yet, being the full on girl I am, I looked into how the pros ride with style and comfort and have a few tips to share...

A kit says a thousand words but comfort is key. From color, font, and graphics, it can speak loud or soft. Depending on your style and comfort, you can find exactly what reflects your taste. It is important to find quality kits to invest in that aren't baggy or give you sausage legs. If you're spending large amounts of time on the saddle, you want to be as comfortable as possible. I rounded up some of my favorite kits and other gear on Pinterest to give you an idea of what's stylish on the market for women's cycling kits.

Riding specific eye wear has a function. To keep bugs, dust, and air flow out of your eyes. But not every cyclist enjoys wearing sporty specs. However, a sporty casual type of eye wear like Rapha's Classic Sunglasses are versatile for rides and everyday wear. Sunglasses can make a huge statement in cycle style so have fun with it.

Since the nail art trend took off and captured fans of the Tour de France, cycling ladies have adorned their nails with some sweet art to celebrate the race. This trend has turned many cycling ladies on to nail art to match their kits or bikes. Pro-cyclist Tiffany Cromwell perfectly shows us how to do so on Instagram.

The hashtag on Instagram #sockdoping has taken cycling style to a whole new level with bright bold colors and patterns. One trend with cycling socks is to match them with your jersey in colors or patterns. The only rule of wearing cycling socks is that height is very important, long or ankle socks are forbidden while calf length are perfectly acceptable.

Some ladies know how to rock a cool necklace and bracelet. Something dainty, simple, not too dangly can make a kit look seamless without trying too hard. This model for Rapha has it down perfectly.

This one is for long haired beauties who don't know what the heck to do with their hair under a helmet. One trend that ladies in cycling are doing is wearing a side braid or pigtail braids like Caro Ferrer. Super cute and helps to keep hair out of your face.

Cycling Shoes
They can make or break and outfit right? The same goes for cycling kits. But functional cycling shoes also count for comfort on the type of riding you do. I do a mix of mountain and road with lots of gravel and sometimes find myself wandering into a hiking trail, so my best fit was mountain biking shoes that I can hike and ride in. Giro has been making some of the best looking cycling shoes to date and have plenty to compliment your style and ride.

Cycling cap
Cycling caps are a part of the old institution of cycling. For a long time people associated cycling caps with racers and hipsters but now they're making their way into kit style. I think the cycling cap is one of the best way to accessorize a kit.  Mix or match, it can serve two ways stylistically and purposefully with keeping hair frays and sweat from hitting your eyes. Some of my favorite brands and caps can be found on this Cycling Gear Pinterest board.

Do you have a unique way of styling your kit? Share your cycle style on Instagram using the hashtag #cyclekit. It's always good to see what's working and inspiring us ladies.
Jean said...

Seriously, nails?

Whatever colour makes cyclist feel fun, powerful and motivated....on the clothing that is.

christina said...

shootfor stars, seriously yes, nails aren't limited either. It's been a growing trend in women's cycling as I shared with about the pros. Some women's kit companies even send matching nail polish to match!

Emily@pixicycling.com said...

Love the colors and patterns of this line!

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