Autumn is here and I couldn't be more pleased than to wake up to see the the seasonal changes happen in NYC everyday. Although the cold may be more bitter than what I'm used to, I love that seasons remind me of the changes in life cycles. During this time I want nothing more than big cozy sweaters, walks in the forest, tea, books to read, and delicious food to make with seasonal recipes. I think this time of year also makes me reflect and re-track my steps to understand how I got to these points in my life. Last week, I took a much needed break from blogging, which I do every now and then to step back and breath. I was reminded that being a recent college graduate, moving to New York City, being in a full time relationship, and consistently hunting down jobs had made me lost. Although I am ambitious, I am not in the sense of seeking success and making a tons of money for my own benefit. My purpose in doing good, creating change, and being well was lost. And losing focus is easy to do as there is SO much to do and yet, it's overwhelming with the process it takes to get there. To get back to my purpose I was reminded by my father that clarity, courage, and compassion is just as important in being kind to yourself. Amongst other words of his wisdom...
1. You don't have to make it all happen by yourself.
2. It's okay to enjoy your life and to take care of the one's you love.
Does that make sense? I think kindness to ourselves is essential as part of our kindness towards others. Radical self care and kindness goes a long way in reminding myself that I have done enough to get here in this moment... and in this moment all I want to do is nurture my soul, body, and those around me. This season reminds me more that it's time to rest, reflect, refocus, and reformulate out next years great adventures (Mercury Retrograde is a blessing in disguise). With the holidays approaching, I think basking in kindness will go a long way in caring for my readers here and the one's I love near and far.
So perhaps while it get's cold and bike rides are near impossible to my California girl sensibilities, I will bring you some of that kindness and radical thinking while being inspired by nature herself.
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