> lately... | CITY GIRL RIDES



it's been quiet in these parts but life lately has been full of research work, writing, studying for midterms, non stop listening to radiohead, sigur ros, bach cello suites, drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee, getting a few hours of sleep, working on projects, and walking in the rain. i can say that it has been a really exhausting two weeks but i'm finally done worrying and can now... breath and relax.

i miss you all and hope to find out what you are all up to?! for now, i'm gonna watch a handful of bad tv and movies to unwind my brain.
cb said...

You made it! Now you can relax and get some much needed cycling in, well, when it stops raining that it. Whe it gets sunny we should get together and ride!

Sabina said...

This is funny--I was just listening to Radiohead, who I haven't listened to in years that I can remember. Love that "Creep" song. Glad to hear you now have time to breathe!

Jada said...

Oh I love your blog! I'm a biker from Boston :) found you through a bunch of other bike blogs.

christina said...

@Sabina, i'm a hardcore Radiohead fan, give some of their other stuff a listen, oh so good!

@Jada, i'm going to be in Boston in May! thanks for visiting!

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