> treasure finds: saddle | CITY GIRL RIDES

treasure finds: saddle


i've been in dire need of a new saddle. i've been experiencing some hip and lower back pain from the saddle i have been riding with for some time. i've been putting in a lot of miles and have been planning on investing in a new one but was always weary about finding the right fit. with that in mind i made a little trip out to the flea market near my place on sundays. they have a huge collection of brooks saddles for cheap prices and some guys who know how to help you find the right fit. after looking at a few and getting some info i was recommended the Team Pro S, specifically made for women riding long distance on rough roads. i'm looking forward to testing it out and getting some comfort on on my rides.

do any of you ladies have this model saddle? if so, how has your experience been with it?
cb said...

i don't have this model but i have two brooks saddle, one a male & the other a ladies. both are great and perfect for each bike. there are ways to get it to get worn in faster too. you can oil it and then get a seat cover and ride around so you don't get oil on your bum. you can also soak it overnight with a wet towel underneath the seat and then do the same, put the seat cover over it while you ride. if you want to be totally ghetto, a plastic bag works too! let me know how you like it!

adventure! said...

Looks like a great find!
And it's a good idea to cover it when off the bike, if there's a chance o' rain. A plain ol' plastic bag will work, though there are more "professional" (read $$) covers out there. My solution? Shower cap from the dollar store.

christina said...

shower cap, check!

i need to find a place that will chain the seat onto the frame. i'm really worried about it getting stolen in these parts you know. any ideas how to manage this while i'm in search of a solution?

calitexican said...

i use a shower cap too! <3

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