> holidays are for riding | CITY GIRL RIDES

holidays are for riding


happy presidents day americans! i hope you're all enjoying your long weekend and getting in some good fun with your bike. this weekend has been great hanging out with friends, going on bike rides, eating good food, and meeting some really great folks. i keep finding myself talking about the blog and why i do it, it's a good reminder to keep me going and i'm finding that people are really excited to hear about something different in the blogosphere. i realized that my time blogging is usually taken over by study sessions but i'm hoping to make this space a greater place as i hope to share some great stuff i'm learning and events to inspire people to get on a bike and positively change their communities. 

anyone making today a fun day on bike?
cb said...

i hope you have fun today!! i just road my bike to work :( i love your scarf by the way, so cute!!

happyd said...

aw man~ your whole outfit is cute!!

up in Canada, some of the provinces have Family Day and so we got a day off. Sadly, in Toronto we had rain and it didn't make for the best riding weather.

You look you had fun, though!!

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