> bike love sharing | CITY GIRL RIDES

bike love sharing


cycling is contagious and addictive. without my bike, life would probably be different. i've been given many opportunities to build and share with a great community of cyclists local and global. it just seems like cycling was the perfect opportunity to doing what i love, find solutions to improving our communities and work with passionate individuals who want to do the same. i hear often from many cyclists, and i share this too, that they find solutions to issues when riding their bike, and when we share it we also share a piece of the journey that took us to that solution. 
whenever i go into detail about how i started blogging about my experiences on bicycle, i simply state that bicycles are fun and that it's helped me to make sense of the world in a different way that i simply just cannot keep it to myself. it seems that once people hear our stories of why we started riding, they start to evaluate their own communities and life and gain inspiration and confidence to ride. 
i often love hearing peoples stories of why they started riding and how it's changed their lives and view of their city. i have friends and readers that tell me that i have inspired them to get a bike, which is super great, but if they can keep riding then i've made the world a better place.

with valentine's coming up around the corner, i wanted to open up the blog for many of you readers out there who would like to share your bike love stories here. you can email me your story (and pictures of you and your bike!) at citygirlrides@gmail.com. i look forward to your stories.
Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great feature & can't wait to read it. I have only started riding my bike & it's been mostly for leisure, but have loved that it has motivated to get up early, take some time out & appreciate/get to know my neighborhood from a different perspective on my 'vintage rides'.

Kelly xo

Alex said...

I started riding more when I got a folding bike a couple years ago. It really has changed my ideas of what transportation can be.

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